Posts in "Code" Category

Introducing Sublime Tutor

An interactive, in-editor, friendly tutor for Sublime Text 3

Remember the good old days of Vim editor? While a flamewar between supporters of different editors is out of scope for this post, you need to give credit to Vim for the excellent tutorial package it shipped with it—vimtutor.

Cut to present—Sublime Text is one of the popular editors out there, it is so easy that you don’t even need to learn its features / shortcuts before starting to feel productive with it. My day was made when I first saw multiple cursors doing magical things in the beautiful world of sublime text.

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Layers theme live at wordpress theme directory

I am very happy to announce that my first wordpress theme Layers is live at wordpress theme directory. Though some bugs were accidently left there, ( as a post doesn’t clear the floating element above it. So the image with float:left property just overlaps the other post ) I have uploaded a fix, soon the version will change from 1.0.3 to 1.0.4

No doubt, I love WordPress.

Concrete5 — A NextGen Open Source CMS

CMS is not really a new word in the internet vocabulary. To describe it in a few lines, a Content Management System is what manages your online content, which can be your blog, forum, articles, gallery, videocast, podcast, magazine or anything. With a bunch of different Content Management Systems already available it’s really difficult to make your own place there.

To name a few, Joomla and Drupal are amongst the most popular CMSes. In fact, WordPress (primarily a blogging platform) also crosses boundaries of being ONLY a blogging platform, which certainly has got many powerful features for being considered as a CMS.

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New release – WordPress Themes Directory

So here we do have a really nice update from, that is wordpress themes directory. ( For self hosted blogs ) It was a long awaited release as right now is not functional. (Not accepting new themes for a very long time now). So the only way to release your theme was to publish it on your own site, or other web directories which never gave it a central spot.

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Hello World

Hello World!

This is my first post to my all-new blog with a fresh theme applied — Layers! I should have started with this blog-cum-portfolio way before but I wanted to get it into my custom style.

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